
Chord Lagu / 10 August 2012

Kalangan Sendiri


Budhi Marpaung Official Writer

Ciptaan Lagu : Edward Mote, Eric Liljero, Jonas Myrin, & Reuben Morgan

Album : Cornerstone (2012)

Cornerstone merupakan salah satu lagu yang terdapat di album teranyar tim pemuji dan penyembah asal Australia, Hillsong.

Lagu ini terinspirasi dari ayat Alkitab, Efesus 2:20 yang berbunyi : yang dibangun di atas dasar para rasul dan para nabi, dengan Kristus Yesus sebagai batu penjuru atau di dalam terjemahan New Living Translation berbunyi "Together, we are His house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus Himself",

Intro: C Am F G

Verse 1


My hope is built on nothing less

F                                   G

Than Jesus' blood and righteousness

Am                            Am/G

I dare not trust the sweetest frame

F          G                          C

But wholly trust is Jesus' name 


              F    Am    G

Christ alone, Cornerstone

C/E             F                  Am         G

Weak made strong in the Savior's love

C/E               F

Through the storm

Am    G

He is Lord


Lord of all


Intro 2 :

Verse 2


When darkness seems to hide His face

F                           G

I rest on His unchanging grace

Am                      Am/G

In every high and stormy gale

F              G                      C

My anchor holds within the veil

F              G                     C

My anchor holds within the veil

* back to Chorus





He is Lord

           F   G

Lord of all


*back to Chorus (2 times)


Intro: C Am 

Verse 3


When He shall come with trumpet sound

F                        G

Oh may I then in Him be found

Am                      Am/G

Dressed in His righteousness alone

F      G                              C

Faultless, stand before the throne


Music (2x) :

F Am G

Em F Am G

Em F Am G C

*back to Chorus (3X)

Ending (Music) : C

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